When Kathleen Minogue of Crowdfund Better mentioned Common Ground Coffee and Market to me, I found their Instagram feed was full of stealable ideas for small business social media marketing.
We first talked about how they let customers know about changes to their hours.
They’re in Boise, Idaho, which I realize is not a small town. I promise I wouldn’t share ideas unless they also worked for small town businesses.
These ideas are perfect for coffee shops, gaming businesses and other third places where people gather and hang out.
Any small town business could copy their “Open the shop with me” video, or their post of staff members as a group.

Steal this idea: do an “open the shop with me” video! Image from Common Ground Coffee and Market, Boise, Idaho, Instagram.
Partner with other groups and businesses, even in small ways.
You don’t have to come up with, organize and then staff every event. Start looking for other clubs, groups, people and other businesses you can partner with. What do people like to do in your town, for fun or activities? Try tapping into those folks to help create experiences inside your business.
Notice how each of these events is in partnership with another local group or business. Image from Common Ground Coffee and Market, Boise, Idaho, Instagram.
Another idea to steal: SILENT book club.
I’d love to join someone’s silent book club! And how easy would it be to make one?
In another photo, the Common Ground folks showed a pile of books on the table to kick things off. Just bring some of your own used or To Be Read pile from home, grab some used books from the library sale, or just ask around!
No rules. Just read.
Need more coffee shop and gathering place ideas?
Check out these past idea-fests:
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