No doubt about it: We all like to have a “wow” customer experience. Yet research has found that, while the “knock your socks off” experience is one you remember, what gets customers back in the door is when they receive ongoing solid, good service from your company time and time again. Consumers like consistency. They […]
Customer Shopping Assistance
How often have you entered a store only to experience one of these two scenarios? You can’t find anyone to help you or a salesperson descends on you and just won’t go away so you can shop. You hear a lot about the importance of customer service. Yet, much of what you read and hear […]
Promises, Reputation and Small Businesses
Have you ever had a customer waiting for something? How did you respond? Did you provide an answer based on your work schedule, or did you respond quickly, without any thought of whether you could deliver as promised? Making promises is easy. Keeping those commitments is much harder. Your response puts you on a slippery […]
Prepare Your Small Business for Disaster
Disasters happen. If you are a business owner, you can count on having a disaster in your business. It may be a major event such as a flood, thunderstorm or tornado, but more likely, it will be something smaller, such as a water leak over your computers, an electrical outage or even the street being […]