What’s being said about your small business online? Many small business owners have made the decision to not get involved in the growing social media trend. Their reasons include: the time or money it takes; don’t understand it; doesn’t seem necessary; or their customers aren’t using it. Avoiding the online world is the wrong path […]
Promises, Reputation and Small Businesses
Have you ever had a customer waiting for something? How did you respond? Did you provide an answer based on your work schedule, or did you respond quickly, without any thought of whether you could deliver as promised? Making promises is easy. Keeping those commitments is much harder. Your response puts you on a slippery […]
Promises Kept = Happy Customers
Promises are made in many different ways by a business. Some are verbal and some are written. You can find some just in the visual images and graphics shared. Some are offered through traditional marketing channels and some come to us online. Here are four promises that businesses have recently offered me. Each item was […]
Spend Money to Make Money
What do these four things have in common? Keep up building maintenance Develop your online presence Provide good wages and benefits Establish a solid customer service program Give up? Perhaps the article title gave you a hint. Each of these items has been shown to build your bottom line. That’s correct. Spending money in these […]