If you want to increase the sales of your product, you must get it in front of more people. While there are many ways to make that happen, a way used by many small businesses is an affiliate marketing program. It’s simple in the concept, one business agrees to carry another’s person’s products, usually on […]
What’s Your Small-business Money Maker?
Question 1: What product or service in your business adds the most to your bottom line? I hope you answered that question without even needing to take a look at your financials. This may not be the product or service that necessarily provides the greatest return per item. You may sell only one a year. […]
Small-business Ownership: It Gets Easier! OR NOT?
Getting a business up and running takes a lot of hard work. Trying to decide what business to start, determining if there is an audience, and getting your systems in order takes a lot of your effort. And these initial tasks happen at a time when you have only yourself or, at best, limited help […]
Finding a Small-business Niche
“What business should I start?” is a common question asked to those of us supporting small-business owners. Sometimes the question is modified as people want a business that “will make lots of money” or will be a success. We, by our position, are assumed to have some special understanding of what the market wants. Okay, […]