You have to break out of your existing limit in some dimension in order to grow. One way to look at your business limits is through the Four P’s of Marketing. (A little rusty? Get the refresher course at The Four P’s of Marketing.) Now break them Draw four big circles on a piece of […]
How a small town can support rural sourcing firms
Rural sourcing is a trend I love. It leverages technology to bring more high tech, higher paying jobs to rural areas. But it’s a small trend, and I’d love to see it spread to more places and more people. What does a small town need to do to support rural sourcing? How can you get […]
One way to get business immediately
What can you do when you need business and income right away? Here is one thing that almost always works: Call your existing customers. Phone by Ant & Carrie Pick up the phone, and call your existing customers. Just say hello, check in that everything you’ve done for them is still working, or whatever the […]
How To Start A Coworking Space in Your Small Town
[Reader Joel Bennett got really excited over last week’s post on, Is it time to rent office space? That’s because he is a big force behind a co-working space in a small town, called Veel Hoeden. I asked him to share some of what he has learned chasing that dream. -Becky] Guest Post by Joel […]