If this happened to you as a customer, how would you feel? Our washer has a problem. Service person came out and ordered a part for it. Part should be here in two weeks and made the next appointment. The day before the appointment, I get an automated call. If my issue was a service […]
If you help your customers to create a plan, don’t leave out this essential item
If part of the services you provide includes helping people make a plan, be sure you don’t stop there. If you don’t address this pitfall, it’s going to hurt your sales and hold potential customers back. The problem Everyday people, like your customers, want to have a plan, but they have an important doubt. […]
The Results and An Update on Service Expectations Question of Jan 18th
Just over a month ago, I asked for your help (see A Question: Service Expectations – Jan 18th). I thought I should share the thoughts given and an update on my situation. In brief, my question asked if employees of a food establishment should be able to guide me through the payment process using my […]
Your First Customer
The day is nearly here for you to open the doors of your new business. What a great feeling! Have you thought about who might be your first customer? Might I suggest that the first person should be your worst critic, or might I even say nightmare? That comment probably dampened your enthusiasm. Why start […]