Of all the reasons why small-business owners start businesses, two are noted most often. They are a desire to be in control and having more time for family. Yet once in business, many owners indicate that neither goal has been achieved. By its nature, control should allow for deciding how much you want to work. […]
Involving Family in the Business
Is your business a family business? When most people hear that phrase they think in terms of some formal and regular involvement of family members in defined business activities with some payment for such activity. Yet in the broadest sense, family businesses cover a much broader involvement of family members. The work might include the […]
Use the Midwinter Slump for Growth
Many retailers experience a sales slump during after the holiday season. How do you respond? The slump comes as no surprise and most small-business owners know they just need to plan for it and ride it out. They think of it as time to work in the business and perhaps to grab a short vacation. […]
Effective, Efficient, and Perception
Success for a small business means watching your pennies. Margins are usually small, sales are often weak, and there is little or no cushion available to absorb a mistake. It is also true that small business owners must not get so caught up in watching pennies that they miss the holes that are leaking dollars. […]