Think about why you marketing effort. Are you bringing more customers into the store now or are you looking to build your customer base for tomorrow? Both are worthy goals and both should be on your mind as you develop your marketing plan. What happens though is most often marketing focuses on today and we […]
Enjoying Local Foods and Local Farmers
“I enjoy local foods.” I say and I hear that statement more and more. And as we are right in the middle of another season, this seems like a good time to think about the good tastes among other reasons for supporting local food. We know that agriculture is a big part of our economy. […]
Know Your Market
In most small-business startup manuals, you, the owner, are encouraged to define your audience. While a great early step, it often is done incorrectly. The instructions ask you to define your customers or potential customers in terms of: What they like to do Where they gather What they buy What drives them Where they live […]
Family Businesses in the Economy
Did you know that: You will find a family business in one out of every 10 households. Family businesses contributed over $10 trillion, by one estimate, into our U.S. economy. Family businesses generate over 50% of U. S. business revenue. Family businesses employ over 50% of the U.S. workforce. Do you get a sense of […]