Finding a business idea is easy. Finding an idea that will make money and is sustainable is hard. Ideas for businesses are found in many different ways. The idea may an old family recipe or a new recipe you create. Ideas also come from imagination and observation, and may pop up as you solve a […]
Promises Kept = Happy Customers
Promises are made in many different ways by a business. Some are verbal and some are written. You can find some just in the visual images and graphics shared. Some are offered through traditional marketing channels and some come to us online. Here are four promises that businesses have recently offered me. Each item was […]
Spend Money to Make Money
What do these four things have in common? Keep up building maintenance Develop your online presence Provide good wages and benefits Establish a solid customer service program Give up? Perhaps the article title gave you a hint. Each of these items has been shown to build your bottom line. That’s correct. Spending money in these […]
Celebrate Small Business Week – May 1 – 7
Get out the noise makers. Put on your party hats. Order a cake. It’s time to celebrate the backbone of our economy, the small business. Small Business Week 2016, May 1 through May 7, is a celebration of small businesses across the country. Small businesses mean jobs, dollars and economic growth. According to the U.S. […]