Have you ever bought something only to find out that the final prices is more, and sometimes a great deal more, than what you read or were told? How did it make you feel? That feeling is the same one your customer gets if you aren’t being transparent in your pricing. When I have discussed […]
Listening to Other Owners
Want to improve the operation of your business? One simple tip is to listen to and watch what other business owners are doing. This simple piece of advice can save you a great deal of time, effort and money. It can help you from going down a path that others have tried and found unsuccessful. […]
Enjoy Your Competition
If your a small-business owner, this title may have caught you be surprise. Who wants competition? Business owners often see competition only as something that detracts from their own bottom line. Well, you may want to think differently. First, competition keeps you on your toes. Just by their presence, you need to stay better tuned […]
Don’t Neglect Your Networks
Do you get caught up in daily life? Are there things that you want to do but just don’t get done. Such is the life of a small business owner. It never seems like there is enough time to get to all of the tasks you desire. How often do you tell yourself that it […]