Want to improve the operation of your business? One simple tip is to listen to and watch what other business owners are doing. This simple piece of advice can save you a great deal of time, effort and money. It can help you from going down a path that others have tried and found unsuccessful. […]
What’s Your Resolution for 2016?
Well, here we are at the end of one year and the beginning of another. Welcome, 2016! For many people, this is the day we make resolutions for the upcoming year. Often these hopes are for something in our personal life. Do you also take time to make resolutions for managing your business? And for […]
Moving From Idea to Being in Business Not Easy
A common assumption among people wanting to start a business is that coming up with the idea is the hardest part. When you talk with people already in business, though, they often comment that the business idea was the easiest step to take. Small-business owners mention that they didn’t realize how hard it would […]
Entrepreneurs or Small Business Owners: Does a Community Care?
If you look back through various writings, these two terms, entrepreneur and small business owner, were once considered the same thing. Yet today business schools and economic/community developers often view them differently. More often the focus is on entrepreneurial development with fewer programs having “small business” in the title. Yet one often wonders are they […]