This article comes from my friend Stephanie Ward. She’s originally from Oklahoma, but currently lives in The Netherlands. She wants to help you become a more meaningful entrepreneur, making a difference in the world. While this article isn’t specifically written for rural entrepreneurs, I think outsourcing is a small town issue. Outsourcing doesn’t just mean […]
Lessons Learned from Jellyweek
By Andrea Cook There are over 14.5 million self-employed independent professionals throughout our country. Working hard to provide jobs, solve problems and succeed day in and day out, without burning out, these individuals are some of our most bravest, boldest and innovative leaders in our country’s workforce. Yet, many independent professionals work from home, isolated […]
How a small town can support rural sourcing firms
Rural sourcing is a trend I love. It leverages technology to bring more high tech, higher paying jobs to rural areas. But it’s a small trend, and I’d love to see it spread to more places and more people. What does a small town need to do to support rural sourcing? How can you get […]
How To Start A Coworking Space in Your Small Town
[Reader Joel Bennett got really excited over last week’s post on, Is it time to rent office space? That’s because he is a big force behind a co-working space in a small town, called Veel Hoeden. I asked him to share some of what he has learned chasing that dream. -Becky] Guest Post by Joel […]