Accounting and finance is one of those topics no one likes to deal with. Except us. We like to talk about it because we (Maesz and I) do it, and we teach it. We’ve written a series of articles on accounting and bookkeeping, and here are some of our better items.
- Do you get accounting?
- The easiest accounting system
- Top 3 Year-end Accounting Tasks
- Simplified Small Biz Accounting and Record Keeping
- Simplified accounting for side businesses and micro enterprises
While you’re reading up, don’t miss:
- The “What qualifies as deductible?” list in Checklists for starting your first business
- Tips for tracking details in QuickBooks if you are a QB user
- The link to Gina in How to organize your business accounting records
- And Maesz’ post direct from the IRS on How to keep good tax records
One parting piece of advice:
Don’t ignore the bookkeeping just because you don’t like to do it.
That’s all too common, and all too deadly.
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Absolutely right, spot-on. But, of course, I am only slightly prejudiced.
Pls con firm that inventory does not affect profit/loss, but effects cash flow
Anon, you’re correct. I’ve added more detail in Inventory Basics for Small Business.