I recently had the opportunity to hear the keynote speaker, Megan Myrdal, at the ND Grocers Convention talk about connecting with the millennials. While her thoughts focused on food marketing to this group, her message is pertinent to anyone looking to tap this market.
Millennials, according to Megan, are the largest cohort and encompasses people born from 1980 to 2000. This generation is seen as “influencers,” changing the way business is done. What they want is having a ripple effect in what younger and older generations want as well.
When shopping, millennials are looking for experience and adventure. They want customization and desire, if possible, a connection with the source of their purchases.
Megan noted how important social media is to this generation. She encourages business owners to get involved by picking one platform and staying small.
Grab a cup of coffee and spend 15 minutes learning how to tap this large and influential generation.