Found in the E+Action Newsletter:
A recent report by the Center for the Study of Education Policy at Illinois State University concentrates on why students are leaving Illinois, where the students are moving, and what strategies can be employed to retain more students. The report offers a number of recommendations to keep students within the state and attract others to Illinois, including:
- Seek greater personal relationships with prospective students by encouraging direct contact from university financial aid officers, coaches, and academic faculty.
- Provide additional financial aid to high-achieving students.
- Promote a public marketing campaign that promotes the range of educational opportunities in the state.
- Encourage collaboration between high school guidance counselors and universities in order to build awareness of in-state postsecondary options.
Wondering if your state has a net gain or a net loss of college students? Find out from the U.S. Department of Education.
I read the E+Action Newsletter because Jack Schultz told me it was terrific.
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#1 Actively involve young people in the community before they go away to college.
“How You Gonna Keep Them Down on the Farm?” is the WRONG question.
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