Today’s rural entrepreneurship news is full of ideas you can copy and adapt. Start a rural food festivalIf you have a rural food or ag business, get together with your neighbors to start a rural food festival. Read about a successful food festival in Isreal. Get the attention of your government; copy “Rural Oregon Day”All […]
Rural entrepreneurship news 1-30
Broadband means more than internet access Connect SI is a 20-county effort to collaboratively enhance the economic and community development efforts throughout Southern Illinois using greater Internet access and bandwidth to communicate regionally and globally. This project isn’t about broadband internet access. It is about improving the quality of the lives of Southern Illinoisans by […]
Rural entrepreneurship news 1-25
More rural entrepreneurship news to report: Developing an Entrepreneurship Culture Ontario (Canada) is working to develop a culture of entrepreneurship in their youth. The Government of Ontario is funding Youth Entrepreneurship Partnerships. Youth Entrepreneurship Partnerships provides grants to non-profit organizations for programs that promote the development of entrepreneurial skills in youths. Fourteen projects representing $1,597,000 […]
Rural entrepreneurship news 1-17
Time for more rural entrepreneurship news headlines! One Governor puts his budget money into rural broadbandSouth Carolina Governor Mark Sanford “included $2 million in his executive budget to help provide high-speed Internet access to areas, such as Allendale, through direct and matching grants.” Island Packet Online.And, from New York, The Ithica Journal profiles rural broadband, […]