Broadband means more than internet access
Connect SI is a 20-county effort to collaboratively enhance the economic and community development efforts throughout Southern Illinois using greater Internet access and bandwidth to communicate regionally and globally. This project isn’t about broadband internet access. It is about improving the quality of the lives of Southern Illinoisans by changing the way we work, live, and communicate with the world.
From the website of the Connect SI Rural Partners. Via EDPro Weblog.
Larger minimum order requirement may close smaller rural retailers
The cruel irony is that the small retailers are the ones who founded the supplier as a cooperative. Now it is threating their survival. Read about it in Independent Online Edition.
Rural grocery cooperatives
Speaking of cooperatives, some rural small towns are using cooperatives to hold on to grocery stores. Read the Washington Post story. Or read the story reprinted at the Blog for Rural America, where other rural folks have commented.
Crafts play a role in economic development
Ed Morrison at the EDPro Weblog found both the news story and the download-able report.
[Photo of crafts in rural Namibia, by Becky.]
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