You have heard it over and over. Today’s connected world requires you and your business to be online. Nobody can ignore this truth. An online presence is a far-reaching marketing opportunity for small-business owners. It also forms the basis when building a trusting relationship. People of all ages go online when not that long ago, […]
What’s Your Goal
Why did you start your business? Does that sound like a crazy question? Many small-business owners would say yes. They and certainly most of the general public would say it was done for the money. Was it? Starting a business to make a profit is an okay reason. Actually, it is better than okay because […]
Screening Your Customers – Look for Potential
To stay in business, people need to buy your products and/or services. That statement should come as no surprise. Yet routinely, I encounter business owners who have not made any attempt to categorize potential clients in terms of their desire and need to buy. Not doing so means you may be missing your best opportunities. […]
When things go wrong, this is the secret way to keep customers happy
We’ve all had times when we weren’t able to deliver what we promised to our customers. Maybe you’re going to be able to do it, but not when you promised. Or maybe it’s not going to be quite the way you said. Maybe a supplier didn’t deliver to you on time. Maybe you had […]