Starting a business is a dream for many individuals. The idea of using one’s own creativity and controlling your own time sounds so attractive. Yet often the prospective business owner spends little time considering the financial perspectives of business ownership. The owner must understand how much startup capital is needed and where it might come […]
Business Startups: Separate Fact and Fiction
Lots of advice is available for anyone interested in starting a business. But some of the claims are too good to be true, so you need to gather information from a number of reputable sources and sort out the myths from the realities before deciding whether starting a business is the right decision. One of […]
Build Trust to Build Your Business
Small-business owners always are looking for ways to build their business. Often their thoughts focus on having the right products and/or services at the right price and selling to the right market. . These are key elements in building a sustainable business. As a scientist would say, they are necessary but not sufficient, however. Without […]
I Can’t Handle Success
What a crazy thought. Who couldn’t handle more money, more visibility, more fame, and a larger share of the market? The writer of this blog must have lost his mind. It does seem like a foolish thought, but then I look back on various companies I have worked with who were on the brink of […]