People going into business want to be successful. Lots of tips about success can be found online and in writing. Yet one tip is consistently seen and offers a great track record – Make good decisions, and do it consistently. It may seem obvious that successful business owners are good decision makers. In reality, […]
Get Your Business Ready for 2014
Will you make plans and set goals for your business in 2014? Or not? If you are typical of most people, you start the new year by making some resolutions or set some goals that you want to achieve in the next 12 months. And typically those resolutions are forgotten in a very short time. […]
Think Customer Needs When Finding Business Idea
You want to start a business but you just can’t find that one great idea. This dilemma is often a major stumbling block for many aspiring small-business owners. They just keep waiting for that one big idea that will guarantee a successful business. The reality is that more often, a good idea, rather than a […]
Tips to Finding Business Success in Small Communities
Many people dream of owning their own business. Yet because they live in a small community, they perceive that developing a successful business just can’t be achieved. Such a viewpoint is one of the small-business myths that exist among the public. Certainly, we don’t want to imply that success is easy in small communities, but […]