Remember Nairobi Paul’s business idea of importing Kenyan handicrafts to the USA? He (and you) could get started by talking to someone successfully importing from the developing world, like Kristen Evans. Evans is importing crafts from Bolivia, like the angel pictured to the right. She’s succeeding in spite of increasing political difficulties and the constant […]
Why you should introduce more people to New Media
Alfredo Tjiurimo Hengari is encouraging his country’s political leaders to start using New Media and technology, in Namibia: Youtube, E-Mail, Skype And MPs. Hengari points out that it is easy for leaders to talk about the importance of technology, even if they have no knowledge of it. If leaders actually use wikis, blogs, and even […]
How To ideas from the rural entrepreneurship news
How to market your rural area: focus on rural strengths For the first time that I can remember, the state’s push for people to consider bringing their business and/or their family to Iowa is not apologizing — it is celebrating all that makes it such a terrific place to live. Found at Drew’s Marketing Minute. […]
Workshop and training ideas you can re-use
Training and workshops come up frequently in the rural business news. Here are some recent articles that include ideas you can use in your own area. Workshop series uses multiple locations “The entrepreneur has the vision for the business,” Jim Hogge, director of the Small Business Development Center at Boise State University, said in a […]