Next week, May 12th through the 16th, is National Small Business Week, recognizing “the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.” The Small Business Administration has lead this effort since 1963. It applauds this group of businesses. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business and they create […]
Break Time
Conference and meeting attendees know that the a lot of the most useful information is gathered during the breaks. This same idea is why people gather at the coffee shop in the morning. It is the informal times, when we take a few minutes to slow down and connect with others, where we often get […]
Webinars on hiring independent contractors and avoiding common tax mistakes
Independent contractors and related tax questions are some of the most common questions we get from readers, so I was glad to see these webinars offered by the IRS Small Business/Self-Employed Division during Small Business Week. The webinars will cover: What to do when you hire and pay independent contractors, and How best to […]
Webinar on rural businesses using social media marketing
I’m thrilled to see Extension talking about rural businesses using social media. They’re hosting a webinar this Thursday, April 17 at 1:30pm Central. (Keep reading for the link to the recording.) You don’t even have to register. Here are the details: Rural Social Media Champions: Development of Models of Diffusion & Best Business Practices […]