Becky McCray is a rural speaker available for in person, hybrid and virtual events. She has spoken at events in the USA, Canada, Australia and UK. I help you shape a brighter future for your town no matter what the negative people do, giving you practical steps you can put into action right away. My […]
Survey of Rural Challenges 2021 results, analysis of themes from 2015 through today
Rural communities were not immune to the chaos of 2020, but remained more concerned with ongoing challenges. To find out what rural people felt were their biggest challenges, SaveYour.Town and surveyed over 280 rural people in the fourth quarter of 2020. The results make up this fourth edition of the Survey of Rural Challenges. Challenges […]
How has 2020 changed the challenges rural small towns face? Tell us here
Seems like there have been a lot of coronavirus-related surveys this year. This survey is different: we’ve been asking for and listening to your rural challenges since 2015. Of course rural challenges are different this year with COVID-19. That doesn’t mean all your other challenges disappeared, but it might mean your priorities have changed. We’d like your […]
Join me for the Rural Renewal Symposium online Oct 13
Join me for the Rural Renewal Symposium hosted by Oklahoma State University. It’s an online event on October 13, 2020. What is the Symposium about? The Symposium is meant to raise awareness, attract resources and stimulate research toward solving grand challenges facing rural communities. And goodness knows we have some grand challenges. I’ll be facilitating […]