The notion that you have to be born an entrepreneur is just a myth.
Similarly, no time is perfect, nor do you need to be an expert or even have worked in the industry, to be a successful small-business owner.
Starting and operating a successful business can be achieved by just about anyone. There is no set of personality or demographic traits that guarantee business success.
All of the crucial skills are something you can learn. Yes, having certain traits can make things easier, but nothing cannot be learned or overcome. You just need to know your weak areas and determine the best way to move past them. You may need to take training, find a partner or hire someone, for example. How you overcome those weak areas is not important.
Understanding the areas where you need help is just part of the planning process for the owner. Planning, preparation and strategies can help an owner overcome personality traits, demographics, and lack of background and experience.
Here are some of the key traits often found among successful business people:
• People-oriented
• Curious
• Passionate
• Open to change
• Networkers
• Willing to learn
You also need to recognize that these are not traits with which you must be born.
At the same time, successful people are not necessarily innovative by developing new products. Taking a good idea to a new market can be a winner, just as making a small tweak on an existing product or service also can pay big dividends.
Nor must the successful business person be an expert in the area. Sometimes knowing too much can just get in the way. On a similar basis, owners do not need prior experience in the business. It helps but it is not required. Nor does a certain age guarantee business success, and neither does gender.
The bottom line is that anyone can be a successful entrepreneur. Probably the most important trait is passion or persistence. The amazing thing about passion is that it just appears when you find a really good idea.
Resources are readily available to help you achieve your goal of being a successful business owner. You can find help in person and online often starting right in your local community.
Glenn Muske is the Rural and Agribusiness Enterprise Development Specialist at the North Dakota State University Extension Service – Center for Community Vitality. Follow Glenn on Twitter: @gmuske