I’ve been asked about the simple folder I use to manage all my many projects. I call it cheesy because there really is nothing special to it. I just picked a way that worked for me.
Let me walk you through it.
Each week, I use this folder to review my projects as I plan out the coming week. That way I can keep in mind my important goals and projects.
What tricks do you use to keep all your enterprises moving forward?
Follow up: Jen asked what I use to manage the day-to-day. Here’s the video: My Weekly Planner.
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I really like the idea of including mentors and mentees in project planning. I’m going to ‘borrow’ that and start incorporating it in my own projects.
I’m mostly online with both big picture and little picture stuff (it’s harder for me to lose an entire computer than a folder), but I use notecards to help me get clear on exactly what I’m going to be putting into my online project management tools, since other people have access to most of them.
Thursday, note cards and online are just as good as my cheesy folder, as long as it works for you. And more mentoring is always a good thing.
I actually emailed Becky, but I’ll say it here publicly too – love love love the mentor/mentee suggestion. It’s just fabulous.
Andy, I’m pretty sure it was Jon Swanson who suggested it, and I decided to implement it this way.
Becky – As a Professional Organizer I love the simplicity of your system. I also love that it’s clearly a “big picture” item and the day to day items are kept elsewhere. You know I want to see that now, right?
Thanks so much for sharing it.
Yeah, I know. I have that answer recorded, and video to come soon. :)
And here is that second video, on my weekly planner.
Hah, just what I was looking for. I was thinking I needed some kind of folder to keep track of things but with all the paperwork generated I was visualizing a highrise of a folder. Now I can focus more on just having a “big picture” type of tracking folder. This has helped me consolidate my ideas. And I love sticky notes…..
Thanks, Doreen. Glad you found some inspiration in it.