After I told you about my project folder, Jen asked for my day-to-day planning tool. So here it is: a simple weekly calendar.
Before I start my work week, I review the projects in my project folder and assign the next actions to particular days on my weekly planner.
I use the six most important things list every day to keep my focus on my priority items.
Of course, this is the ideal. I don’t live up to it all the time, but I work at it.
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I like your system Becky. I love tech gadgets, and I keep trying to use them to do my planning. But, at the end of the day, I always go back to pen and paper.
I have a question about your six important things list. Do you typically accomplish everything on your list each day?
I keep a master list of all items that I want to do, and then pull out the top three tasks that I need to do tomorrow. The only real difference between my system and yours seems to be the number of items you set out to accomplish. Therefore, I just wondered whether you typically complete all six tasks.
Fred, I usually do pretty well, accomplishing all six. It’s possible, though, that there is a difference in the size of tasks, as I break things down to accomplish-able steps. You may be keeping yours in slightly larger chunks than I am.