Want a trend report that pays attention to small town trends? Read the top 10 trends for 2008 from Jack Schultz, author of Boomtown USA.
My top 5 picks from his list are:
1. Millennials-Hard to believe that this generation, ages 10 to 27, dwarfs the Baby Boomers in size. Schultz says these young people are going to be the most entrepreneurial in the history of the USA. Are you ready to recruit and retain these forward-thinking young people?
3. Education-Schultz puts the emphasis on world class primary and secondary schools, entrepreneurial education, community colleges and technology centers. Are you partnering now with local educators?
7. Enviropreneurs-No matter what your business, start taking action on this one. If you are looking for business ideas, look in this field.
8. Niche Ag-This is another place to look for ideas. Schultz talks about diversifying crops and promoting local and organic food. He’s absolutely right.
10. Birds Beating Birdies-Golf is slipping in importance, Schultz says. Bird watching, hiking and biking are rising.
What trends are you planning for?
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Speaking of Millennials, you should check out the quick read over at TNNW. It’s scary (in a good way) how we’re going to see a massive influx of deep thinkers and entrepreneurs in the realm of business.
Thank you, that is a very good article on Millennials in the workplace. Glad you left the link!