Joanna Young asked her readers to pick their best post of the year. What was our best small business article from all of 2008? I think it would have to be our Checklists for starting your first business.
My friend Chris suggested the post at SXSW. I got some help from Maesz, and we wrote it up. Chris liked the post, bragged about it, and Lifehack picked it up from there. That put us on the Popular list at (what was at the time still called) As of right now, the workshop I proposed based on this post is still in consideration for SXSW 09. (knock wood, hold thumbs, cross your fingers)
More importantly, a whole bunch of actual small business owners commented, asked questions, and joined the discussion because of it. Then it launched our Small Biz 100 series. So far we’re up to 30 posts focused on hands-on business basics for you. All because Chris made a suggestion.
Joanna asked us to finish this sentence, in under 30 words:
This post is simply the best because…
If you got to pick, what post of ours would you say was simply the best? What about your own posts? Have a special favorite this year?
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Becky, thanks so much for taking part. I love the way you’ve described the origins of the post, and what it’s led to since then. That’s fascinating… and such a powerful example of social media in action.
It’s a neat answer to the question too, and one that’s sure to get people clicking over!