Do you tend to panic about a lack of business at a certain point during the year?
Do you always feel like you’ll never get enough bookings for the fall?
I know several independent professionals who feel like this:
- a professional photographer who always worries in late summer that there won’t be enough bookings for senior portraits in the fall
- a bed and breakfast owner who gets nervous about seasonal bookings not coming in
- a professional speaker who feels panic when nothing is on the calendar during “dead periods”
You know who deals with this most? Seasonal businesses.
The simple solution: Put a reminder on your calendar for next year.
Around the time when you would normally panic, put a reminder or event on your calendar. Include a measure of where you were at this point during a year when you survived.
Your reminder could include a specific number:
“20 fall sessions booked on August 1 last year.”
Or just give yourself a bit of encouragement:
“Remember that there’s usually nothing booked at this time of year, but you’ll get through this.”
If you have tips for keeping a positive outlook during slack times, add it in the comments.
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Photo credit: josealbafotos on Pixabay