Did you know that military won’t be the biggest use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)? In fact, agriculture will account for 80% of UAV use in coming years, Jim Mason of Elk City, Oklahoma, tells us. He also explains why rural Western Oklahoma is a leader in the industry.
In agriculture, unmanned systems make it possible to target nutrients, spraying and chemical application only to the smallest possible area of need. Estimates of crop yields can be far more accurate rather than guesses made from the edge of a field.
Agricultural use will far outpace public safety and all other uses of unmanned systems, according to the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s Economic Impact Report.
Thanks to Jim Mason, Economic and Community Development Director for the City of Elk City, Oklahoma, for taking time to share his knowledge on this subject.
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Jim Mason knows his stuff. We worked together for seven or eight years at The State Chamber of Oklahoma where I was senior V.P. He was the “go to” guy when it came to technology in Oklahoma. He secured the first funding in state history for nano technology, which created the nano initiative in our state. Thanks for featuring him and his knowledge.
Thanks, Ronn. Jim is an impressive guy. I was glad to have his insight.