Small Biz Survival is 5 years old today! And it’s Friday, and that means Brag Basket. How perfect is that?
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I promised Copyblogger we’d have cake. Photo by Gerry Snaps |
The Brag Basket is all about sharing. It’s here so you can introduce yourself, share some good news, or congratulate a friend. So it’s not really bragging.
The basket is open all weekend, from January 14-16, 2011. Happy Birthday, Small Biz Survival! Here’s our very first post, laying out a bit of our manifesto.
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone gets cake. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post, email me, tweet me, or comment on Facebook. You tell something great about your week, or you give applause to someone who did good stuff this week.
And here’s to five more years, building together.
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Many congrats!!!
Small Biz Survival has been a great benefit to small communities and businesses all over the world… no small accomplishment.
May there be many more years ahead!
Congrats on your 5th blogiversary, Becky! Way to go.
Was this your first business blog? How does one celebrate this note-worthing occasional? Looking forward to the next 5 years of information.
Paul and Glenda, thank you so much. It means a lot to me.
Miss Dazey, this is my first business blog. My previous blog in 2003-04 was for my political campaign. Thank you!
This past week, I finally sent off a proposal for my services to a town that’s been interested in working with me for MONTHS. It’s under review, no final answer yet, but I did it!
Thanks Becky for working with me on it, and huge congratulations for your 5 years of blogging. A lifetime in Internet years. :)
Oh, and I nominated two of my favorite folks for Texas Social Media Awards, because they’re awesome and deserve every sort of recognition (Sarah Page with LCRA Economic Development and the Beaumont, Texas CVB.) That felt good.
Sheila, thanks so much, and congratulations on getting that proposal out!
Five years — that’s worth having a margarita for! You’ve been inspirational, conspiratorial, motivational and a friend. Rock on Small Biz, rock on.
Thank you, Deb. Cheers!
Cupcakes, yeah!
Congrats Becky. That 5 years went quick, didn’t it?
Brian, congrats to us both. It does seem quick!
Congratulations Becky 5 years and many more to come.
The ebook Embracing Twitter is out
It includes tips from Becky, Sheila, Pieter, Chris, Kristie, and others and is an initiative of Justin McCullough.
I first became aware of your work less than two years ago, and you influenced how I approached things from day one. Those influences have helped me in my efforts to build communities through social media in the Village of Pleasantville, NY and throughout Westchester County.
The work I’ve been doing in these areas has just led to a 12-month consulting job in social media — something I’ve been trying to secure for quite some time.
Today, I received a Twitter message from someone in a suburb outside London who told me my work in Pleasantville had inspired him in his efforts to undertake a similar project in his hometown of Croydon. I commented on his blog – — and offered to help him however I could. I also told him that he should follow @BeckyMcCray on Twitter. That was the best piece of information I could give him.
One last thought as we celebrate your five year anniversary: You have introduced my to a whole bunch of great people, and that’s what underlies all of this social media stuff. I can’t mention all of them for fear of leaving someone out, but I must mention @Miss_Dazey — one of my favorite bloggers!
Good luck on the next five years, Becky. Keep up the great work.
Thanks, Erno. And congrats to Justin on putting together a great ebook.
Chris, thank you so much for that encouragement. I’m thrilled at what you’ve accomplished, and also that you are out encouraging others as well. Congratulations on the new gig, too.
Belated blogiversary wishes from one rural champion to another! Here’s to another 5 years!!
Jennifer :)
Thank you, Jennifer!
Belated congratulations Becky. Five years! I’ve been on Twitter since December 2007 which is where I met you. I think you got there before me but this website has always had a wonderful and unique place in cyberspace.
@PRSarahEvans has shared some great tips with me about how to get local publicity for a small business. Short and sweet. It would be fantabulous if you had a moment to share a local publicity coup or idea of your own here. This is most certainly your area of expertise!
hug from @LindaSherman
Thank you so much, Linda. We’ve had a terrific time here, and on Twitter since October 2006. :)