Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Tony Katz explained why this matters:
It’s ok to have success, it’s ok to have great things happen in your life and it is ok to talk about those things. Embrace the good things that happen and the work that it took to get the good things to happen. Then, focus on more good things, and make them happen. The vision is only achieved through the action.
Last week, I opened the brag basket early, and you all jumped right in! Barbara Ling bragged on getting back into something she loves. Meg gave a big pat on the back to her friend Susan on the release of her book. Zane and Marco both bragged on their wives. Sweet! PokerPlasm was happy with his report building skills this week. 1379kids dropped in to announce their new website. Robbin has some great weight loss to brag about, and Rob told us a great story about the nonprofit he heads up. I love the Brag Basket!
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week?
You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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I am *so* going to brag this week!
This week I signed contracts on a huge new project for a huge new client. (You might have heard me Twittering about it a few weeks ago, but it’s finalized now, so I feel safe bragging on it.)
And how could I not brag on Liz Strauss and Chris Brogan for letting me guest post on their huge blogs? Thank you both. :) I have a guest post coming up with Zane Safrit, too, so I feel very, very special this week.
Thanks for letting me brag this time. Now it’s your turn. What’s the good word?
I am excited, happy and nervous about being accepted to speak at Harvard University’s Berkman Center on the Internet and Society. It’s only the weekly Thursday night Blog meeting, but it’s seen its share of famous attendees. I’ll be speaking on the topic “Distributed Microblogging” on June 5th.
It seems like a good day to brag on my good friends from Twitter @laurak and @geosteph (ok, and me a little bit too). They are braving sore muscles, aching feet, likely sunburn and sheer exhaustion to join me in the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer 3-Day in Washington DC. Between now and the walk, we will each be raising a minimum of $2200for this great cause. Actually, Laura and I will be raising twice that because she is also walking in Phoenix and I am also walking in Philadelphia. The weekend of Oct. 3-5th, we will be in DC walking 60 miles over 3 days to show our resolve and solidarity in the fight against breast cancer. (And yes, that means that Laura and I will be doing 120 miles -yikes!)
I am bragging about Laura and Steph because they are amazing women who have found the strength in themselves to give strength to the others who need it in their battle against this hideous disease. I’m honored and humbled to call them my friends. Thank you ladies!
Hugs Gloria
Becky –
Rock on!!!! Congrats on bagging a big deal.
Have a braggy Friday.
OK, so both Becky and @conniereece told me to get my hiney over here and brag….
Yesterday, Connie and I launched the info/signup page for our 20 June workshop here in Austin, Learn Five Web 2.0 Tools in One Day.
I had to learn how to set up an event in Eventbrite, including how to ask registrants a few questions via survey so we can focus the workshop. We’re really psyched about it.
Also, Becky and @chriscree and @tojosan and @rickmahn and I had our first SOB Biz Advisory Group meeting via conference call last night on Skype. It was so much fun and so helpful to talk to other wired entrepreneurs, but I mostly liked sitting around in my futuristic Skype headset mike and looking geeky.
Congrats to Becky and everyone else for their good news!
Joe, that is a great opportunity! You will be an awesome speaker. :)
Gloria, wow to all three of you! I applaud your group efforts, and thank you for sharing it with us!
Howdy, Marco! Glad you dropped by. :)
Sheila, I’m so excited for your workshop; I know it will be terrific. And our little advisors group is pretty awesome and geeky, too.
Today I got the publisher agreement for my tax book. It’s real. I am going to write a book for an established publisher — Pearson/Prentice Hall. Guess I know what I’ll be doing this summer, as they want the manuscript by the end of September for January 2009 publication. Excited, scared and already feeling overworked. But very happy, too.
Kay, that is so terrific! Congratulations!
I’d like to brag on Becky McCray. That crazy woman talked some of us SOBCon vets to form a support and advisory group for our businesses. What a great idea. The sessions and feedback already rock.
Todd, if you do that, I’m going to have to turn it around and brag on you and everyone in our little group. It’s your input that makes it worthwhile!
Love this brag basket! Today, I’m proud to say that my my move to LA was the right decision. The future was not where I was, it was where I was going; and instead of running the other way, fearing that I was not up to the task or finding obstacles to put in my way, I picked myself (and my family) up and made it happen. That has made all the other thing I want happen….and that’s only after two weeks. Imagine what happens tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tony Katz
Hey, Tony! So glad to hear things are going well. Imagine tomorrow, indeed. :)
Ah, the Brag Basket! Well, you know how I feel about finally getting my blog off Blogger and over to WordPress– whoohoooo!
Karen, love your new bloggy home! Here’s to change, improvement, and all the potential of the future! Congrats!