Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Tony Katz explained why this matters:
It’s ok to have success, it’s ok to have great things happen in your life and it is ok to talk about those things. Embrace the good things that happen and the work that it took to get the good things to happen. Then, focus on more good things, and make them happen. The vision is only achieved through the action.
Last week, PokerPlasm was the very first to ask for a future brag! Jon actually bragged on himself a little. (Don’t miss Jon’s new About page, newly renovated, and an excellent example.) Kevin gave a big pat on the back to a couple of friends. Communicatrix offered the lamest brag ever, or so she said, and Bob announced that he is officially in business, though sooner than he wanted. (Bob, give us your link!)
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week?
You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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I said to hell with people who think I’m too old to do Martial Arts and gave myself permission to return to my beloved karate sparring with great success. Gad, I love the sport.
Go, Barbara, go! If you love it, you do it. Great brag!
My friend Susan’s book on politics for kids (See How They Run)was released this week. She’s a gem and the book is a good one that promotes activism and celebrates kid successes. It’s also led to a good conversation
at GNMParents about how parents are approaching the election with their children.
Hurray, Meg! GNMParents is on a roll! You know such wonderful folks. Congratulations to you and to Susan!
I gotta brag on The Wife, The Missus, aka “Punk” (long story, it’s not pejorative), aka Dawn. She just does some cool things, some selfless things for her family, for others, definitely for me, for dogs and cats she shelters and she makes me laugh on a regular basis, like daily.
Some of us have been able achieve the american dream of owning a growing business because our wives (husbands, spouses, life partners, significant others, etc) helped and supported us durintg those crucial startup years… while we pursued our crazy dream. They are true gems.
So today I brag about my wife, Raquel, who did just that…not too many years ago.
How cool is this? Zane and Marco, thank you. Congratulations to Dawn and Raquel!
I got a report built in Crystal, and its working like a charm! So happy and makes me and my clients life easier.
Pokerplasm, congrats! I love double wins like that. There is such a sense of satisfaction in getting a report to really *work*. Good job!
Our website is up as is the e-commerce part. Still some work to do on the products/variations, but its looking good!
It is looking good, very good! Congratulations! Here’s to great success in the future!
I have lost 37 pounds this year so far! Yay me!
I tweeted yesterday that a new employee was moved to tears at the opportunity to work for our agency.
As an agency that has served children and families for over 30 years, we are always responding to the needs of the community we serve.
In the last 7 months, we have expanded to a new facility, increasing our physical space from 3500 sq ft to 10,000 sq ft, and started 4 new programs (Child Care, Before and After School Care, and two programs called Intensive Developmental Therapy, primarily designed to serve children with autism).
As of yesterday, we have hired 22 new staff, a 68% growth, and hope that by fall of 2008, we will be adding another 6000 sq ft, at least 20 more staff, two additional therapy programs and expanding our capacity of existing programs.
As the Executive Director, I get to meet new families each and every day. I get to hear the sound of children (happy, sad and otherwise) just outside my office every day.
We, as an agency, have the honor of joining with families to support them in achieving ‘their goals’ and frankly…sometimes…it moves me to tears too.
I love this “job”!
Robbin, definitely, yay for you! Congratulations on an accomplishment that takes real commitment. Here’s to your health!
Rob, thank you. Thanks for taking time to come back and explain *why* someone would be moved to tears for the chance to work with your agency. Thank you for what you do for families. That’s some amazing growth, and it can’t happen without an amazing executive director. Congratulations. Wow.