Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Tony Katz explained why this matters:
It’s ok to have success, it’s ok to have great things happen in your life and it is ok to talk about those things. Embrace the good things that happen and the work that it took to get the good things to happen. Then, focus on more good things, and make them happen. The vision is only achieved through the action.
Last week, I bragged first! JoeC rightfully bragged on a speaking invitation. Gloria bragged on some terrific friends with a terrific cause. Marco dropped by with encouragement; thanks, Marco! Sheila reported in, under orders, to talk about her upcoming event. Kay is doing a book! Todd‘s excited about our group advisory board. Tony is happy he made a good decision and a good move. Karen is happy about her move, too, from Blogger to WordPress. I love the Brag Basket!
Will you put something in the Brag Basket this week?
You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
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Hi Becky, this is a rambling brag to highlight a few people who’ve made an impact in my business.
You, Becky, have given me so many ideas. Now if I can just figure out how to process and implement them all. Thanks!
Chris Brogan – http://www.chrisbrogan.com – INCREDIBLE what he knows! He turned me on to Twitter, which has opened up a whole new world of people to me. Chris continuously gives me things to think about. He’s right on the money most of the time.
Dr. Holly Latty-Mann, http://www.leadershiptrust.org – one of the smartest people I know. Her Personalized Leadership Development Workshop was life changing for me. She rocks! Give her blog some love and point her to some great tips on podcasting.
Those are my brags for today!
Happy Friday!
Cheryl, you certainly have some terrific people there! And you know what? You’re pretty terrific yourself. Thanks for bragging!
What a great idea! Today I am bragging because my blog, Get Paid To Write Online, was featured in Profreelancing’s list of top 60 blogs for writers. I also wanted to say thanks to all those who stop by to read and comment and who make it a wonderful community. (And thanks to @bigbrightbulb for pointing out your Brag Basket.
Sharon, congratulations! Top 60 is no small achievement in the crowded field of writing! And thanks for coming by. :)
I’m bragging on myself because I finally got around to writing a case study I’ve been meaning to do for ages (posted on Every Dot Connects). And my article “Is Your PR Team Social Media Savvy” is featured in this months Bulldog Solutions newsletter. Oh, and over the holiday weekend I started another personal blog–like I needed something else to do–called Allergic to Myself, which is about autoimmune disease.
Connie, what a great collection of progress! What amazes me is the variety of things you have to brag on this week! Thanks for taking time to share!
I want to brag a little bit about the efforts that are going on behind the scenes to prepare for the inaugural event of the Northwestern Creativity Project, our first annual Photography Show and Workshop, scheduled in the historic Runnymede Hotel, located on the NE corner of the downtown square in Alva, Oklahoma.
It’s too early to brag about the event itself, though it promises to be a ‘major production.’ Already on board as a major supporter and volunteer for the project, Oklahoma’s official Centennial Photographer Mike Klemme, of Enid, will have some of his outstanding photographs in the show and he will be one of several workshop leaders for the Saturday workshops. The “grand opening” of the show will be Friday evening, August 1st, with live music in the courtyard of the Runnymede and a public reception in the hotel; the show will be open all day Saturday on the ground floor of the hotel, with the workshops running all day on the second floor.
The show and workshops are offered free of charge to the public. Anyone with a digital camera who is interested in learning more about photographic techniques is welcome to attend. Information about registration will be available soon, as details are finalized in the coming days.
The event is the brainchild of a group of folks who have been meeting informally since February 2008 in response to the launch of the Oklahoma Creativity Project (www.stateofcreativity.com), trying to determine how we in northwestern Oklahoma might become more actively engaged in bringing creativity and innovation into more prominent focus in our region. The event is, we hope, the first of several that will be fostered by the creative thinking of this group of people.
I think my point it simply that this event has come about simply from a meeting around a table; someone simply asked “How about a photography show?” and the idea exchange began to work its magic.
Rod Murrow
Dr. Murrow, thank you so much for bragging, and thank you for inviting me to be part of the Northwestern Creativity Project. I did a little bragging on it myself, over at Zane’s site, “Creativity in the long term.”
I’m glad to be involved, and I hope we’ll inspire some other folks to be involved in creativity projects in their own community.
Bragging on my wife – on her own she investigated and got us upgraded to 10Mbps d/l speed. Woot. And she’s not the tech geek in the house.
Tojosan! Your geek status may be in jeopardy! Big props to her!