Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to give someone a pat on the back, brag, or promote yourself and your projects.
Tony Katz explained why this matters:
It’s ok to have success, it’s ok to have great things happen in your life and it is ok to talk about those things. Embrace the good things that happen and the work that it took to get the good things to happen. Then, focus on more good things, and make them happen. The vision is only achieved through the action.
Last week, we had a flood of wonderful brags, compliments, and comments! What will you put in the Brag Basket this week?
You can brag on a friend, your own project, yourself, others, anything! You don’t need special permission or anything. Just leave a comment right here. There’s no deadline, so you can brag anytime during the weekend, and I’ll open a fresh Brag Basket each Friday.
Special assignment for Monday
And here’s your friendly assignment for Monday, from Chris Brogan:
I hereby officially declare Monday, April 28th “Read and Comment” day. Instead of your typical post (or as well as), get out there and comment on some blogs. Contribute to their conversations. Find some good stuff and add to it.
And then report back. Deal?
And we’ll keep the Brag Basket open Monday to hear your reports, OK?
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Morning, all! My brag comes with a price — I’m being laid off from my fulltime job. The brag is, I’m going fulltime for myself at long last, having mentally and emotionally prepared for this moment for the last three months. I was hoping to have more time to get my ducks in a row, so I’m scrambling now, but I’m positive and optimistic that everything will go well.
Bob, yikes! New like this is never welcome, but your attitude makes all the difference. When I was fired from my last full-time job, it turned out to be a very positive thing for me. So I hope you’ll have a similar positive outcome. I’ve been enjoying you comments here, and look forward to hearing more as you move on.
We’re all pullin’ for you! :)
after a major meltdown, stu mark and megin hatch got the gnmparents.com site rebuilt and running.
Congrats to Stu and Megin! No one likes to be down for long.
Thanks, Jon, for bragging on them. :)
Here’s my brag this week – a new client lead! Hurray! Things seem to be coming together nicely in municipal services.
Awright. A brag basket. I did my first blogtalk radio show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/zane-safrit.
For the future: Each Wednesday, 9:30 AM Central time. Varying lengths. Maybe some guests.
Bob Sawyer. You’re off to a great start! Well-begun is half-done. I know the feeling exactly. Keep us informed. Let me know how I can help. From one…to another. Scary and exciting.
Go, Zane, go! Love that you’re adding new tools to your online toolbox. Going over right now to listen! Thanks for bragging, and supporting. :)
Thanks, Becky and Zane. Appreciate the support. The hardest part is the waiting — we don’t know exactly WHEN it’s going to happen, only that it’ll be sometime in the next two weeks.
There is a quote from Frank Herbert’s “Dune” that I’m using as my mantra right now. In fact, I use it fairly often: “Fear is the mind-killer.”
Bob, stay focused, and stay positive! You will do well, I’m sure of it.
I caught two Brags over on Twitter worth sharing.
@heidimiller reports:
“Just got ANOTHER job offer. It never rains, but it pours!”
Hurray, Heidi!!
@mriggen (Michelle Riggen-Ransom) said:
“Hey my mom’s ‘Grounds for Peace’ coffee project was on TV! Go mom! http://tinyurl.com/692les”
Go, Michelle’s Mom!
My pat on the back brag goes to @plumlipstick (Monica Willyard) for creating a way for the JAWS screenreader for the blind to actually recognize and say smilies properly. By default, the reader either skips the smilies or reads them as punctuation. Monica decided to do it after a Twitter conversation with me and @IGetU2C (Brian Collins). She’s sharing the special smiley dictionary with others who use the JAWS software. Cool! :)
Oh wow, how cool to have a place to brag! Thanks so much Becky :)
The third month of my blog was a treat. I got asked to guest post at a nifty blog, I lucked into an opportunity to submit for a short freelance writing assignment, and I survived writing a lengthy series.
This month is looking positive too, because I broke into the hundreds for RSS subscribers today (exactly 100) and got Google Page Rank. My little GPR of 2 won’t mean much to big-time bloggers, but for me it’s something to brag about.
And I want to brag on my Mom for losing a pound :)
Crystal, welcome to the Brag Basket! You’ve accomplished so much in a really short time of blogging! PR2 is a great place to get started, and very respectable after only three months!
Oh, and, Congrats to Crystal’s mom! :)
Looking forward to your upcoming guest post, Crystal!