Once a week, I offer this post as a safe place to brag or promote yourself and your projects, because we all deserve some friendly recognition.
Last week, Jon bragged about “the persistent ones,” including his parents and the PodCamp co-founders. Glenda bragged about selling her first e-book, “I’ll do it myself.” It’s an awesome book, too!
Glenda even asked “Is ok to brag about anything?” The answer is YES! Anything! (within the limits of decency.)
What will you brag about this week? You can brag on your business, your community, or your self. You can even brag on other folks, if you want. It’s fun, and you get a link back, not to mention applause from us.
You can leave a comment right now.
The goal is to encourage you to review your week. Learned anything? Made any accomplishments you’d like to share? It doesn’t have to be something HUGE; just something positive you feel like sharing. We’ll happily applaud.
The Brag Basket has no deadline, so don’t wait. Brag now!
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Phil called in a brag about Positive Thinking Day.
Here’s a bit of explanation from their site:
Positive Thinking Day – September 13th – is a day to celebrate the benefits of positive thinking. We believe that by helping people change their thoughts we can make a lasting and positive difference in this world. We hope you will join us in this effort.
There are even contests you can enter TODAY!
Hurray, Phil! I’m all over this one!
I bragged on our friend Laura Allen. Laura was interviewed on ABC about the 15 Second Pitch. Watch the video!
Jon Swanson Twitter-bragged these:
1. Posted all days in August.
2. First audioblog with daughter.
3. Fun weekend with family.
Sounds terrific, Jon! Your daily Sign Posts were great, and we’re excited at Hope’s debut on the site, too! Thanks for sharing!
Tatsuya Nakagawa also called in a brag, for finishing the new book Overcoming Inventoritis.
His first audio comment! I heard Tatsuya discussing the book and concept on Jeff Pulver’s PulverTV broadcast, and recently we’ve connected on Twitter. Welcome, Tatsuya, and I wish you the very best with the book!
Thanks for helping get the word out Becky! It’s going to be AWESOME!
You are welcome, Phil! Always glad to help spread some positive thinking!
I also want to brag on our friend Laura Allen. Laura was interviewed on ABC about the 15 Second Pitch. Watch the video!
Finally, I can brag that my Simplified Online Marketing Plan has been published at JumpUp! Been waiting awhile, so I’m excited to see it reprinted there!
Jon Swanson Twitter-bragged these:
1. Posted all days in August.
2. First audioblog with daughter.
3. Fun weekend with family.
Sounds terrific, Jon! Your daily Sign Posts were great, and we’re excited at Hope’s debut on the site, too! Thanks for sharing!