Is it OK to brag? Or is it too self-centered? Of course it’s ok, if it’s the Brag Basket! Once a week, I offer this post as a safe place to brag or promote yourself and your projects, because we all deserve some friendly recognition.
Last week, Marti bragged about being featured by Liz Strauss. Marti is always so gracious! I bragged on Liz, too! Phil dropped in to brag about writing at now. Please stop by and say hi to him! He also bragged on Kevin Eikenberry’s new book, Remarkable Leadership.
- What will you brag about this week? You can brag on your business, your community, or your self. You can even brag on other folks, if you want. It’s fun, and you get a link back, not to mention applause from us.
You can leave a comment right now.
The goal is to encourage you to review your week. Learned anything? Made any accomplishments you’d like to share? It doesn’t have to be something HUGE; just something positive you feel like sharing. We’ll happily applaud.
The Brag Basket has no deadline, so don’t wait. Brag now!
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My friend Becky is really persistent-she keeps encouraging us. My parents have been married 51 years (yesterday), which is pretty persistent. Podcamp Boston, the first one, was a year ago next weekend, which has persisted. I wouldn’t know Becky or most of the other people I know if it hadn’t been for Chris and Podcamp, and those relationships persist.
So here’s to the persistent ones!
Jon, you win the Louise Prigmore Award for packing the most into your Brag! You excel at finding common threads in disparate items. Your friendship is my honor.
51 years of marriage! That is inspiring!
Is ok to brag about anything? Like finally having my ebook ready?
(Copied over from Glenda’s Twitter)
Glenda, absolutely! Your e-book is a terrific brag!
Everyone, please check out Glenda’s book I’ll Do It Myself. It’s a story of overcoming difficulties and negative predictions. I’ve just started reading it, myself! Glenda has a great sense of humor and is a pleasure to chat with.
I just sold my first ebook tonight! its available at
Glad you are enjoying it, Becky!
Woohoo, Glenda! Congratulations! Here’s looking forward to many, many more books sold to happy readers!