Inspired by the challenge from Julien Smith, I’m reading much more consistently this year. Here are some of my recent reads.
Small Town Sexy by Kim Huston.It’s a whirlwind tour of Kim’s romance with small towns. From her window on the world in small town Kentucky, she offers up a sample of small town living, festivals, economic development, and the ever present town characters. It’s fun. Share it with some small town skeptics, just to see their reaction. I just got word that Kim will be speaking at the Michigan Small Town Conference in 2010, and I know she will be outstanding! Kim has a blog on Small Town Sexy, and is also on Twitter.
Making a Living Without a Job by Barbara J. Winter.This is the book for those people who really want to start a business but don’t know what business to start. It’s good for helping people make the shift in thinking from employee to entrepreneur. If I was charged with counseling potential small business owners, I would keep a copy of this on my desk to loan out. You’ll find Barbara at Joyfully Jobless, and also on Twitter as @JoblessMuse.
The Mom and Pop Store by Robert Spector. Starting with his own family story, Robert tells us about hundreds of small family run businesses all over the world. While most of them are in big cities, a few are small towns and all of the lessons apply equally. He’s a great story teller, and he selected excellent stories to share. I found myself re-telling stories from this book to my husband. You’ll find more about the book at Robert’s website.
Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun. I speak quite a bit, and I’ve set a goal to speak more this year. Scott’s book was perfect for me. He chose to fill it with his own experiences, good and bad. I had such fun reading it, I didn’t think about the lessons, until I got my next speaking request. Then I ran back to re-read things I remembered, and I created a better presentation because of it. Learn more at Speaker Confessions or Scott’s blog. Scott is also on Twitter, @berkun.
If you have a book relating to small town business you want to share, feel free to send me a copy, at PO Box 8, Hopeton, OK 73746. If I read a book every week, eventually I’m going to run out of the ones already stacked on my nightstand!
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The Berkun book sounds like a find. Great list.
Becky, Can we include my book here? How to Market, Advertise and Promote Your Business or Service in Your Own Backyard. The only book in print written specifically to help small town business owners with do-it-yourself marketing and advertising. See info here:
Tom, thanks for adding your book. This will be an ongoing series, so lots more are coming. :)