Each Friday, I open the brag basket as a fun place to brag or promote yourself and your projects. This week, it seems especially appropriate to use it to give thanks.
Last week, Kim was excited to be featured in a newspaper article, and Shashi sent an email to introduce himself. Congrats to Kim and Shashi!
What will you give thanks for this week? It can be your business, your community, or your self. You can even brag on other folks, if you want. It’s fun, and you get a link back, not to mention applause from us.
You can leave a comment right now, or dm me on Twitter.
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Since this is the brag basket and all… This thanksgiving, i am thankful for Mrs. The Fever and all that that entails. She’s a great writer, cook, tennis player, musician, conversationalist, thinker, and other things. She smells nice and looks great in jeans. She doesn’t exactly answer to me, but she lets me pretend so here’s to you Mrs. The Fever.
What a terrific brag! Congratulations and here’s to an outstanding year for you both! :)
Thankful for family and friends, life and these pixels. And I don’t even celebrate Thanksgiving!
A geat time to brag! I visited family in Iowa over the holiday and had such a great time sharing in the making of memories.