Almost a month ago, Ben tagged me to talk about 5 things you don’t know about me, and then Liz “blogtipped” me, saying I didn’t talk enough about what I can do. So, finally here are five things that some of you didn’t know I can do.
1. My previous jobs have included city manager, workforce developer, newspaper reporter, Girl Scout executive, and antiques dealer.
2. I am a volunteer leader. For example, I served as State President in the Business and Professional Women.
3. Besides the liquor store and the cattle, I do web design for a couple of clients, and do a bit of grantwriting, too.
4. Did I mention that I also taught computer and business classes at the local technical centers? Yeah, I think I did mention that!
5. You probably don’t realize that I’m actually a blogging pioneer. My first blog was in 2004, on my political campaign website. Yes, I ran for a state legislative position. I lost, but at least I got involved!
Now part of this is to tag five more people to tell us five things about them. It can be any five things, not just skills and abilities. I tag my co-authors Glenna Mae and Jeanne, plus Jean Warner, Jack Schultz, and Alfred R. Baudisch.
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