Our friend, Romanian entrepreneur Cristian Dorobantescu tagged me for the 5 things meme, where we found out that he has played chess on a professional level! I don’t have anything that neat, but here are five MORE things you probably don’t know about me.
- I’ve lived in Oklahoma City, and outside of Luling (Texas) and Palmer (Texas). Anybody else here from those towns? (besides Glenna Mae!) I didn’t think so!
- Photography is my (current) favorite hobby. I got tired of paying to have film developed, then digital media and a trip to Africa revived my interest. Come see me at Flickr.
- I love antiques!
- I’m a fair rifle shot. (OK, you could have guessed this about any Okie, but I really did learn to shoot before I learned to multiply.)
- Finally, I still owe Anita Campbell a meme response…
[Photo by Becky.]
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