Small Biz Survival has been invited to join Grasshopper New Media! And, yes, we have accepted.
This is a project of our blog friend Chris Brogan. The idea is to consolidate audio and video content from a number of different quality producers into a single source. We’ll be contributing on small business, rural issues, and possibly even travel.
Of course, Small Biz Survival will remain the premier place to read about business issues in small towns and rural areas. Our group of authors is really hot, and we are enjoying some terrific attention from others in the business world. At the risk of repeating my brags, here are some of the latest accolades.
- At no less of a publication than USA Today, Jim Hopkins quotes Maesz’ insurance article in his Small Business Connection blog.
- J. Timothy King had good things to say about our simplified marketing plan:
The world’s shortest marketing plan is not Kelly Odell’s, referenced at Guy Kawasaki’s blog. And with all respect to Guy, his version 2.0 is not actually a practical marketing plan template. A better alternative is Becky McCray’s over at Small Biz Survival.
- Another thought leader, Zane Safrit, found a couple of my posts interesting enough to kick off an essay of his own on rural economic development. This is exactly the kind of discussion I hope that this blog can start!
- Finally, the QuickBooks Community has added us to their very selective list of Blogs for Women (Business Owners). They describe us this way:
Small Biz Survival provides practical, actionable and meaningful posts on the joys and challenges of running a small business.
What more could we possibly say?
small biz rural entrepreneurship grasshopper new media
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