Time to get your business finances under control. I recommend you do it the easy way: make the computers do most of the work. I’ve long been a fan of Outright. It asks you to track only the minimum of detail required to do your income taxes. (As a sole proprietor, that’s a Schedule C.) […]
What counts as Income Producing Activities
Income Producing Activities are those actions that move you towards your business and income goals. So why don’t we spend our time working on exactly those things? We Get DistractedWell, there are as many reasons as there are minutes in the day to get distracted. And, well, we have so many options. What shall I […]
My cheesy productivity folder
I’ve been asked about the simple folder I use to manage all my many projects. I call it cheesy because there really is nothing special to it. I just picked a way that worked for me. Let me walk you through it. Each week, I use this folder to review my projects as I plan […]
Treat it like a business
“If you treat it like a business, it will pay you like a business. If you treat it like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby.” I first heard that in the Mary Kay world. It came along with some lessons in scheduling, for building a business on the side around all your […]