Glenn Muske just reminded us that we should listen to other business owners: “Want to improve the operation of your business? One simple tip is to listen to and watch what other business owners are doing. This simple piece of advice can save you a great deal of time, effort and money.” This is […]
New podcast series: 5 Stories with Deb and Becky
Deb Brown and I have kicked off a new podcast series as part of A Positive View of Rural and SaveYour.Town. Each week we bring you five news stories or articles you can use in your small town business or revitalization projects. We add our comments and ideas, and we always share the links. […]
Welcome to Small Biz Survival
As we’ve hit the middle of the year, this seems like a good time to welcome subscribers new and old. This is the only place I know of focused on helping you succeed in business in a small town. My name is Becky McCray, and I am a rural small business owner myself. If you […]
Pop-Ups Mini Course closes Monday June 15
Help, our downtown is dead! When I talk with people about their small towns, the most common thing I hear is that their downtown is dead. They don’t have many businesses, the few businesses aren’t open convenient hours, and no body goes downtown because there’s nothing going on. Or some variation on those themes. You’re not the […]