If only podcasting was simple and used the tool that is most often in your hands… Photo (CC0) by jeshoots on pixabay
Podcasting is a powerful way to build a connection with people. They hear your voice and feel like they get to know you.
The problem with podcasting is it seems like a big hassle. You’re going to need equipment like a good mic, software to record and edit your audio, and some way to host the files. Then you need to figure out this distribution problem.
Podcasting could be much easier
With Anchor, all you need is your phone, and you’re ready to start podcasting. You already have all the equipment you need (your phone), and they take care of the heaving lifting of hosting and distribution.
Read the “how to start a podcast” guide at Anchor.
I used to use a similar podcast-from-your-phone platform called Utterz that was around from 2007-2010. It was great at the time, and its demise is a good reminder that platforms come and go. Download and save copies of any important audio you create with them.
Need more podcast advice?
Read our podcasting basics here. I’ve added some notes on which steps you can skip if you use Anchor or a similar tool.
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