Dateline: Aberdeen, South Dakota
Reporting: Becky McCray and Deb Brown
Subject: Nacho Business
Deb and I can’t resist shed businesses, especially with great names. We stopped for nachos. We told him we had to, just with that name.
“We hooked you with name alone?” he said, clearly gratified. Then he dumped a bunch more marketing lessons on us.
He recited all the best menu items, explaining why they were the best. He guided us to a purchase we’d be happy with.
We ordered nachos, of course. He made an extra point of checking every ingredient with us before adding it. He customized his offering to us.
As he handed over each container stuffed with nachos, he asked, “How’s that feel?” They were heavy. “How’s it smell?” They smelled delicious. He knew that. He just reinforced the value and quality of his product to us.
He told us how he caters to his individual customers.
“That car behind you? They come every week or so. I carry Diet Dr. Pepper just for them.”
We told him we share stories of small businesses, especially tiny businesses that hustle.
“We are literally a shed in a parking lot!” he said gleefully.
He should be teaching marketing at the local college.
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