The Brag Basket is our tradition of sharing. The basket is always free and open all weekend, this one April 5-7, 2013. What good news will you add to the brag basket?
Don’t hold back because of that word, “brag.” When you hold back, you hide your good news and accomplishments that might inspire others. Even though I call this the Brag Basket, it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing.
What can you do in the Brag Basket?
- introduce yourself
- share some great news from this week
- congratulate a friend
- laugh about something wonderful that you tried that failed
- applaud for each other
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post. We all cheer, and everyone feels great.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) If you talk more about the people involved than the things, you’ll be fine.
It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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The rural small business blog. We talk about small town business, with how-to articles, especially on social media marketing and making your community a better place. We use this “author” for announcements and other things you’ll want to know.
Jeanne says
This week I am entering into my fourth year of our biggest celebration in our small community. Last night I was able to sit down and look back at three previous years to see where sales were and what my COGS were for each of those years. Finally in this fourth year I feel like I have a good handle on projecting for the future and it is thanks to my record keeping efforts of all the previous years. I tell my clients at OKSBDC all of the time how important this practice can be, and I’m proving that to be true in my own small business.
Becky McCray says
Jeanne, good work in not only keeping records but also putting them to work for you. Hope you have another great year!
Phil Smith says
This week I continued to work on my novel, so I am going to give myself a pat on the back! Long ways to go, but then they say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so small beginnings and all that. Not business. But feels important. Congrats Jeanne by the way. Keeping a company going for 4 years is an achievement, regardless of the sales! (And especially good when they are going up!)
Becky McCray says
Phil, I’ll join and give you a pat on the back, too. Keep at it!
Linda says
This week, we are about to re-launch our newly-designed website. My leads are increasing as well.
Becky McCray says
Congratulations, Linda!
Jim Ellis says
This weekend our town will grow in size by 10 fold as the 60th annual Labor Day Celebration gets underway. Our Brag this year is the return of a full blown, dirt in your face Professional Rodeo marking more than 45 years of some of the best western entertainment east of the Mississippi!
Becky McCray says
Jim, congratulations on the return of your professional rodeo! I hope it’s a big success for you.