If you’re trying to make something better, I have two questions for you to ask everyone who is involved.
My winter view of Port Dover, Norfolk County, Ontario. |
- Why are we doing this?
- Why are we doing it this way?
These great questions are from Norfolk County, Ontario, Mayor Dennis Travale. Dennis is serious about improving the way their county government works. So as he looks at each project, each paperwork requirement, each point of contact with the public, he first asks, “Why are we doing this?” Frequently, he said, there is an excellent reason for doing it. But if not, then that item is a prime candidate to eliminate.
The follow up question is where the real progress is made. Now that you know the reason or purpose for what you are doing, look at how it’s being done. Asking, “Why are we doing it this way?” opens up the possibility of finding new ways to do it better. This also brings up perspective. Do we do it this way because it’s easy for us, or do we consider the customers’ point of view?
You can adapt these questions to anything you do, whether you are a:
- solo entrepreneur
- small business owner
- non-profit organization staff
- government agency staff
- or elected official.
Try these questions out this week, and let me know how they work for you.
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Becky started Small Biz Survival in 2006 to share rural business and community building stories and ideas with other small town business people. She and her husband have a small cattle ranch and are lifelong entrepreneurs. Becky is an international speaker on small business and rural topics.