Here’s a terrific poster I saw in Dodge City, Kansas.
Turning around the phrase, “Get the heck out of Dodge,” the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation has “Get the heck into Dodge!”
Ten bonus points for their excellent website address: – Their whole site gives a wonderful impression of the community and their current economic strength.
It’s a good example of taking a seemingly negative phrase and making it positive. It’s also a good example of going with what you’re known for, at the same time that you build a new perception. The website showcases the early history alongside the current economy.
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Love it. Its even more reader-friendly than the Dodge City CVB site.
It’s definitely reader friendly.
Becky, it would be great if you folks were on facebook. Just saying…
If you mean Small Biz Survival, we are:
I know I don’t make a very big deal of it, but there is one tiny link in the sidebar, under “our publications.”
Thanks for asking!
Clever marketing at it’s best for sure.
Ricardo, I do love a clever idea. Especially when you can turn around a potential negative.