Even though I call this the Brag Basket, it’s not really about bragging. It’s about sharing. It’s here so you can introduce yourself, share some good news, or congratulate a friend.
The basket is open all weekend, from January 7-9, 2011. Happy New Year!
Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others’ stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.
How does it work? You write a comment on this post, email me, tweet me, or comment on Facebook. You tell something great about your week, or you give applause to someone who did good stuff this week. Or you celebrate something wonderful that you tried that failed.
This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) It’s a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.
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I’m posting anonymously today because I want to share, but I don’t want to be too braggy. My intent is to say that it’s taken me a very long while to have the confidence to pursue some projects (like teaching local classes and selling my services to local businesses as a social media consultant). Well, this week I started both of those ventures in earnest and I’ve had an incredible week! I picked up two new clients this week and my classes this week and next week are full! I’ve even had several requests from out-of-towners all over the country to hold the classes online.
If you’re waiting for some trigger before you start to achieve your own goals, I just wanted to say don’t wait. You can do this. You know your strengths, now use them!
Thanks, Becky.
I will brag a little this week. I accomplished something this week that I have been struggling to do for a long time. I just released my first free book to help people start a business.
I prevented a client from walking out of a transaction to sell her business and she thanked me afterwards with tears in her eyes!
This week I’ve completed a plan of work for 2011 (still pending final approval!), completed a database, and launched a design for a t-shirt logo that represents our organization. Planning is the easy part, now carrying out those goals is the tough part! However, having a plan in place and everyone on the same page is golden!
J. Cop
Way to go, Fred, Barry and J. It’s got to feel good! I want to brag about some very special men. They are the husband’s of our Mrs. Oklahomas. I wanted to write an article from their perspective, you know, what it feels like to be “Mr. Oklahoma” as we fondly call them. With what they gave me, I put together maybe my most favorite thing I have ever written. I think it will show people just what a family focused organization we are and I love them all very much! Thanks to Teddy, Clint and Tony!
OK, Anonymous, I’ll let you get away with it! Anything to get you to participate. :) Congratulations on the great start!
Fred, a round of applause for your first ebook! I hope lots of folks will learn from it.
Barry, you amaze me with the way you work with business owners. Good job!
J, you have been busy taking a run up, and we’ll be waiting to hear more about how things go in 2011! Cheers!
Lauri, I love that you were able to look through the husbands’ perspective. :)
Hi Becky-
I’m going to brag about something I’m in the midst of-Started a chat going – #MozartChat – not just putting people on the list – only those who want to be part of the Birthday TweetParty for Mozart on 01/27/11 – Over 80 have signed on board. Definitely global – Hong Kong, Kyoto, Australia, London, Vienna, Kansas, Brazil – So when I take a look at the list and see over 80 people on it I think “not bad” even while realizing the “numbers” are miniscule. Anyway, I’m enjoying the feeling of an exaggerated accomplishment-& I guess that’d be “bragging” –
Thanks. Wayne
Wayne, you have built a neat community! Congratulations!